1. Do you just take one photo of each child?
Absolutely not! That’s precisely the kind of photography that Sarah disliked so much when her older children were in gan. Sarah takes her time to relate to each child and get a natural look that is true to the nature of the child. Rest assured, there will be multiple poses for you to choose from.

2. Do I need to purchase a package before I see the images?

YES, we do require you to choose one package ahead of time and send in payment. However you will be able to choose other images afterwards and order additional prints and collages.

3. Can we view additional poses online?

YES. Each child will have their own private, password-protected gallery. The gallery password will be sent to you when you receive your pre-ordered package.

4. What should my child wear?

SIMPLE clothing always photographs well! Bright bold colors are great, preferably without too much writing. Try to avoid very busy patterns as they can detract attention from the child's face. Note: boys don’t always have to wear BLUE!  Try and dress your child as you would like to remember them at this age.

5. What if I didn't order a pre-order package; can I still order online?

YES, however we only sell ‘a la carte’ items that do not reflect the discounted, package price. Every child in the gan will be photographed whether or not you pre-order.

6. I have placed an order – when will it arrive?

If you pre-ordered through the gan, your order will be delivered to the gan for you to collect. This normally takes between 2-6 weeks. Online orders will be sent straight to your home address and take between 2-3 weeks, depending on what you choose.

7. My child missed gan on picture day – what can I do?

Please contact your gan to see if an additional visit has been scheduled.

If you can’t find an answer to your question here, please use the contact page to get in touch!